Thursday, July 24, 2014

A 6 Month Challenge

This post has been a long time coming. I actually started writing it at the beginning of the month. But it's been sitting on the back burner while I've been working out different things that God has for me. And also, there has been much procrastination. But I read this article today, (8 Things You Should Know About Yourself) shared on Facebook by YWAM, and it re-inspired me to sit down and actually write this post.

The past year, as those of you who know me well know, has been a difficult year. But it has been a good year. There has been so much growth in my life. 

Recently I've been challenged. I had a birthday in June, and turned 25. If I wasn't before, I am now, more than ever, an adult. I've spent a good deal of time thinking about who I am as a person, and where I want to go with my life. 

I want my life to count. I want there to be meaning and purpose to all that I do. I want to leave a legacy that is positive. But I've also realized that the past year, has clipped my wings. I've lost bits and pieces of myself, what I enjoy, how I respond to situations, what my dreams are. 

So I've made a challenge for myself. A 6 Month help me get back a bit of who I am, to understand what it is that makes me tick, to know what I'm striving for, where I'm heading. 

My challenge for July was to be at rest. To take the time to rest in who God is, to get enough physical rest (I tend to overwork myself), and to enjoy things. 

So far, I'm growing in it. I've definitely slowed down my life, but I have more to learn, and more to put into practice. The month's not over yet, and I'll be reporting on how the month has gone next week. I'll be keeping you posted. 

A Look Ahead:
August: To Be Joyful
September: To Be Accomplished
October: To Be A Worshiper
November: To Be Educated
December: To Be Generous

We'll see how the challenge goes. I'm not always the most dedicated, but I'm really going to try!

This post has been inspired by an inordinate number of people, books, podcasts and life experiences. A shout-out goes to some amazing women of God (Kate Moala, Esther Wong, Karen Neustaeter & Annie Goertzen, as well as all my aunties, sisters & mother), to the books 'Becoming Myself' (Stasi Eldredge), Leading on Empty (Wayne Cordeiro) and A Year of Biblical Womanhood (Rachel Held Evans), as well as to a podcast, Living a 100 Year Legacy (Jesus Culture #jclp), for the main sources of inspiration. 

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