Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Stars and Streetlights

I don't know how to start this post. I just know that I want to write it. So I guess, maybe I'll just have to start, no clever hook or genius opening line...

The sky tonight is inky, like a ball point pen just bust its guts all over the sky. Like, deep into our elbows tattooed, full-on ink. The stars are just a smattering, here and there, held fast, barely twinkling. It's not like this in the Cooks. The sky is very different, very clear, very rarely fully dark.

It's different.

I like the sky both ways. Both ways are home. I'm never totally sure where home is anymore, just wherever I'm laying my head to rest that night. 

I should really delete those last few sentences, they're not relevant to this blog. And maybe I will yet, and maybe I won't yet. I kinda like them there. These are my personal ramblings and I can ramble the way I want.

Tonight's rambling, though, comes from a challenge. I went to my Ladies Bible Study tonight, with all these wonderful, amazing, talented, gifted in different ways, ladies, and we discussed things and we laughed...well, to be honest, mostly we laughed. And then the final question, what are two gifts God has given you this year? I was challenged, am still challenged, even after trying to run out the challenge...a couple miles later, and God is still whispering in my heart.

Because most of the time I'm wanting something I can't have. I'm wanting a place,a  home, a family, country, weather, culture, food, other than what I have in front of me. The wanting can become all-consuming. It can make me look past the value and gift of what I have right here, right in front of me. 

So...The sky tonight is inky, like a ball point pen just bust its guts all over the sky. Like, deep into our elbows tattooed, full-on ink. The stars are just a smattering, here and there, held fast, barely twinkling. It's different in the Cooks. But this is good. 

Know what else is good?

Streetlights, spaced evenly on quiet, straight streets, secure, comforting for late-night wanderers such as myself. Coffee, rich and black, in a variety of forms, from a variety of places, is also good. So are books, endless amounts of books that you can pick up, page through, smell, and then buy. Those are good.

Family is good. Too much family. From your best and favorite brothers and sisters (read ALL of them), to Dad's strong shoulders and Mom's wise words; from aunts, uncles, cousins, to distant aunts, uncles, cousins, who will introduce themselves to you at a moment's notice and know almost as much about you as you do yourself. I am thankful for family. 

Seasons are good. Clear and defined, a constant form of change. Long summer days morph into long winter nights, but the sunrises and sunsets are just as beautiful. The life-breath of spring gives way to the death-sustenance of fall, and both are beautiful. I am thankful for spring rains, mid-July thunderstorms, fall frosts, and white winter blankets, harvest moons, cool clear nights, mud on our tires and snowball fights.

I am thankful for people. So many people, people that defined the language of my heart, shaped the person who I am today, saw the rebellion and the mistakes, and still love me anyway. I am thankful for all the people who will never not say hi and ask how my day, my trip, my year has been. I am thankful for all the people who feel like home. Because people are good. They strengthen me, and pray for me. They make me laugh. They welcome me with open arms. 

Work is good. It gives me a purpose and something to sink my hands into. The people are amazing. Every day I get to laugh. Even on the days I cry, I have probably also laughed. Work is good. 

God is good. He seems different here; somehow, stronger, less wild, stable, familiar. His truth is stronger in my heart. His words deeper. I am thankful for Him. I am thankful for many things, but mostly I am thankful for Him. He gifts Himself to me, fully and completely, every day. That's how I know love. Because of Him.

And I write all these things, and then I am reminded. This is good. Stars and streetlights, books and coffee, friends and family. All good. All meant to be enjoyed, tasted full-like. 

God whispers, these are my gifts to you...

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