Thursday, June 7, 2012

And this is the beginning...

Well everyone,
Darla here. Reporting.
Today is definitely not Day 1 of my adventure with God. But it is Day 1 of blogging my adventure with God.
So for those of you who don't know me very name is Darla. I come from an itty-bitty town way up in northern Alberta. It's called La Crete:) This is where I've spent most of my growing up years, and the people here have hugely influenced who I am today. God bless beginnings.
I started my relationship with God when I was super young. I was 'converted' at age 4, but even before that, I spent my days making up poems and stories and songs to God. So the relationship has always kind of been there. As I've gotten older, however, I've learned so much more of who God is, and how beautiful His character is.
After I finished high school, I spent a year in Bible School. After that, I moved onto Grant MacEwan College (or University, as it's now known). I was taking a degree in Professional Writing. I absolutely loved the program, but by the end of my first year, God had begun placing a burden on me for the lost. That summer, I spent 5 weeks in Fiji. A few months later, I moved to a First Nations community on the west coast. I spent the better part of a year and a half there, learning incredibly hard, but good lessons about God and relationships. At the end of that time, I felt led to do my DTS with YWAM, and God brought me to a base in the Cook Islands.
I had no idea where the Cook Islands were, but I started researching, and found out where in the South Pacific they were located. I began my application process to the school and for a visa. Within 2 months, I was once again on a plane to the South Pacific.
I spent 5 months in the Cooks, completing my Discipleship Training School, which consisted of 12 weeks of Lecture and 8 weeks of Outreach. On my outreach I traveled to 2 of the outer islands which help comprise the 15 islands that the Cook Islands consist of.
After my DTS, I ended up extending my visa and I staffed a DTS in September 2011. This was a mobile DTS, so we traveled around the South Pacific for a few months before the school finished off its outreach in Rarotonga (the main island in the Cook Islands).
I traveled back home in March 2012, and I have been working in my hometown for the past few months, preparing for whatever ministry God has for me.
Through the past year, I have come to grow in God so much more, and His heart for the lost and dying world has become ever clearer for me!
God is preparing me for full-time service. So I'm getting ready to strap in and see what else God has prepared for this grand adventure:)
Over and out,

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