I started out with just general stuff, but I think I'm going to end up working with one or two of the little boys who are having difficulties really sitting down and learning in class. It's exciting for me, as it's something that I love doing. I love working with the 'problem' kids. I find that most of the time, they're just needing a bit of extra love and attention.
I'm thinking of the verse where Jesus says, "Let the little children come to Me..."
And really isn't that His heart? No matter who it is, no matter what they do or don't do...He loves them, and He wants them all to come to Him.
No one is a lost cause in God's kingdom.
I think God is challenging me this week to really look at people through His eyes. This week, it's been hard for me to learn. This week I've wanted to see people and situations through my own earthly eyes, but God's vision is so much better! One of my friends posted this on their facebook timeline, and how true?
I hope it's as good a reminder to you as it was, and is, to me.

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