Thursday, February 27, 2014


Change is inevitable...but it is also something that we shy away from....
As you all know, my life is in the throes of change. God is moving me from the islands into an unknown.
There are times that I am so excited for this new adventure. And then there are days, like today, where the reality of change begins to set in...
Here, in the Cooks, what I do and what I think matters less and less, my vision for this place isn't extending into the future. Leaving here during a time of new beginnings is doubly hard, everyone is excited for new growth and for new projects, but my time is winding down, ending, and honestly, at times it is hard to really catch others' enthusiasm for the future. I love what God is doing here, but sad that I won't be part of it.

I'm not sure what I'm heading into. I still feel called to missions, but I don't know where and I don't know what. I pray every day and ask God where to next, but He keeps saying, patience. Those of you who know me well will realize that patience is a fruit of the Spirit I still need a lot more of, and so it is difficult to wait.

At the same time, I know that my time here is finished, so I just want to leave, go home or wherever, and do what God is calling me to do. But my time here, even though it is only 4-5 short weeks, is not completed.

I'm at a tempestuous point of life.

But God is calling me to something more, a deeper relationship with Him, a place of deeper reliance on Him, a place of deeper trust.

Today is one of those days that I want to throw in the towel and say ENOUGH! God just please make it easy....
But change is a journey, a hard journey and a lonely journey, but also a good journey. If we never saw change, we would never have an incentive to grow.

I'm not writing any of this to make anyone feel sorry for me. I just believe that there are those of you who will read this who are also facing journeys, hard & lonely journeys, but I just want you all to know that at the end of a hard & lonely day, you can still count on the One who made heaven and earth, who loves you so deeply, to be there, and He understands what you're going through.

And through every difficulty, He is holding you in the palm of His hand...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Future...

Kia Orana everyone!
I'll be very honest...this blog is being written with sadness & excitement...
God has confirmed to me that it is time to move on from YWAM Cook Islands. It's time for a new season in my life. So, I'm leaving here in early April, and I'm walking forward into I'm not sure what. But for now I'll be spending some time at home, re-connecting with my home church and spending time with family.

My time in missions isn't finished, but I'm not completely sure what God is calling me into next.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be winding down here in the Cooks, leading the mini-dts and handing some of my responsibilities over to others.

I'm very sad to be leaving, as this place has been a major part of my life for the last few years. But I'm confident that, although I'm leaving, it will also have a place in my heart and life.

Just a heads up, I may not be coming directly home in April, I'd really like to go to Asia for a few weeks and come home in May, but I'm still praying about it and seeking God's direction.
I have brought it to the mission board at my home church, and am also waiting their blessing. I'll be making the decision in the next week or two, as I have quite a bit to fundraise and visas to apply for if I do go to Asia, so I'll keep you all posted.

So, I just wanted to write a short update of what's happening in my life. I really appreciate everyone's support and prayers. I know that some of you have been praying for me since the beginning of the year, as I felt the need to confirm if this is the place God had for me at the moment.

It's hard, to know that this chapter of my life is over, but I know that God is stepping me forward in life, and I'm walking into a new chapter, a new adventure with Him:)

All the best to you all, and I'll continue to keep you posted!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Well, this has been an absolutely crazy week for me. But it's been really good. I spent my first morning volunteering at Imanuela Akatemia. I loved it. It really reminded of Eagles Nest Bible Camp and the summers I've spent volunteering there.

I started out with just general stuff, but I think I'm going to end up working with one or two of the little boys who are having difficulties really sitting down and learning in class. It's exciting for me, as it's something that I love doing. I love working with the 'problem' kids. I find that most of the time, they're just needing a bit of extra love and attention.

I'm thinking of the verse where Jesus says, "Let the little children come to Me..."
And really isn't that His heart? No matter who it is, no matter what they do or don't do...He loves them, and He wants them all to come to Him.

No one is a lost cause in God's kingdom.

I think God is challenging me this week to really look at people through His eyes. This week, it's been hard for me to learn. This week I've wanted to see people and situations through my own earthly eyes, but God's vision is so much better! One of my friends posted this on their facebook timeline, and how true?

I hope it's as good a reminder to you as it was, and is, to me.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Looking Forward for February...

My apologies for not posting sooner. We've started picking up the pace for the year and the internet has been down around the island sporadically, as the Telecom company is working on updating our network.
I'm looking at my calendar for February, and almost every day is already full.
So this is just going to be a short blog of what I'm hoping and planning on doing in the next few weeks.
First of all, starting Wednesday, I'm planning on volunteering at Imanuela Akatemia, the Christian school here on the island. I want to go on a weekly basis. We've really started to build relationships with the kids at the school and it's something I want to further. One of my goals for building relationships at the school is to be able to run an after-school Cookies Club with some of the pre-teen girls on a weekly basis. I'm not sure it's something I'll be able to necessarily with all my other commitments, but it's something God laid on my heart just before Christmas, and so the Cookies Club is something that I'm praying into.
Also, every year we have a Ladies Night on Valentines Day with all the women on base, this year we're expanding into the community, and I'm in the middle of making invites for different ladies we felt to ask to join us. It's going to be really good!
On Sundays, I help out/lead the Children's Church at one of the churches in the next village. Before Christmas I was just helping out, but I'm starting to lead different parts of it and next Sunday I'll be taking the whole service. I'm a little bit nervous, but it's kids, so as long as they think it's fun, I think it should be alright. For the first term of school, we're teaching on the theme, "Who is God?" Kate is developing a pretty cool curriculum:) And we want to put it all together so that eventually we can expand into other churches and have the resources already ready.
I'm still also in charge of our intercession times & prayer chains, so it takes quite a few hours out of my week. Communication & administration happen on a daily basis. I've also been growing YWAM Cooks on the web, and just started a new blog for the base. You can check it out at:
I'm also getting things ready for the Mini-DTS. We've never run this kind of school before, so I'm having to do a lot of paperwork and a lot of developing of the course/schedule/etc. There's a lot to think about! But it's worth it. We've had a few inquiries from people already, and lots of people who are very enthusiastic to learn more about the course. I'll keep you posted on what's happening on that end, but I would really appreciate prayers, as it's a very open field for ministry and I really want to see people's lives changed for Christ!
So that's just a bit of what's happening here on this end. Thank you for your continued prayers and support and your readership:) Feel free to contact me anytime:)