Friday, July 10, 2015

Tiny Life Announcement

So, little announcement to make! Most of you probably know this already, but just in case there's someone I haven't told yet, it's going public. 

I'm heading back to the Cooks! Yay! It's only a short trip. I'm leaving closer to the end of August and I'm going to be back before the middle of October.

I have been trying to keep this a little under wraps, but I've already heard that I'm leaving for a couple years, etc, (lol gotta love it) so I'm thinking it's time to publicly let you all know what I'm doing.
When I came back to La Crete last April, I was aiming to leave by December. I started applying to go to different places, was preparing to head straight into some form of long-term ministry. It's now July of the following year, and I'm still here. 

I know that God has a plan and that He's working things out as He sees fit. So I'm living day by day, waiting to see what He reveals for my next steps. I can't say that I haven't been impatient. God, however, totally opened up Psalm 121 to me in a whole different light for this season. He showed me that He is an active God, He is actively working, even when I don't see anything happening. 😀 

At the same time, I can feel that it's time for a change. So I've given my notice at my job, I'm heading to the Cooks for a few weeks to help out, to connect with mentors, and to spend some time really focused on God, listening for next steps. 

So far, I'm heading back to La Crete when I come back. And I'm totally good with that. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but I also know that God will reveal that in His time. 

So for anyone who was curious, I hope that settles some of your questions. Feel free to come chat with me whenever if you have any questions or concerns! 

Blessings. Hope you're all having an amazing summer, or winter, wherever in the world you are:)